Saturday, July 18, 2009

Eliza Dushku Design a Myspace Page Contest

Earlier this year I entered a design contest. The contest was to design a myspace profile for the actor Eliza Dushku. Fox provided all the materials and it was the job of the contestants to use the material as they needed.

I designed two different profiles.
1. Simple Sexy Profile: This profile was just a simple white background with a simple image of Eliza Dushku. The profile was one colunm wide and is not your typical Myspace page. The profile run in the Profile 1.0 enviroment.

To view this profile please goto:

2. Flash Action Profile: This profile was more focused on Eliza Dushku's new series Dollhouse. It featured a large banner area and had hot links to the main sections of the Myspace. All and all this is my favorite profile. I even added a Image rotators (via ASP on Myspace, a pretty cool trick I must say)

To view this profile please goto:

In the end, it would be my simple sexy profile that won!

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